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Blogging tips

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Truly Rural This and That

We are not farmers and I don't want to give that impression at all. 

 Even though I can not speak from experience, I know that farming is a lot of hard work.

We live in a rural setting, yet in the city limits of a tiny town.
My husband has a small garden every year.

A farmer rents property surrounding our home.

I have a tomato plant in a washtub.

There are deer, coyotes, weasels in the barn, cats in the barn, gophers in the barn . . .

 . . . and another yard animal that a friend made for me.
You couldn't get away with having this in a sub-division.

My signature coffee cup goes with me outside.
You have seen it before and probably will see it again.

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Tanya Breese said...

i love your cup and gardening shoes! pretty views you have!

Jeanne said...

Great shots and have to love those shoes!!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Looks like a beautiful day for the garden!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

a truly delightful post, love your cup and your yard art and i hate subdivision living, would love to be in just what you are in along with all the critters. we have bucket tomatoes.

Unknown said...

Home Sweet Home :) and what a neat yard animal!

Grandma Barb's This and That said...

Cute gardening shoes and coffee cup. You have a nice rural setting even if you are in the city limits.

Kathryn Dyche said...

Lots of great shot, love them.

The Artful Diva said...

Having a signature cup is a grand idea. Your blog is delightful!

Cranberry Morning said...

Beautiful garden - and LOVE that shot of the water droplet!! By the way, what are you using for mulch?

You can send me those clogs when you're tired of them. :-)

Judy said...

I absolutely love your garden shoes, those are too cute!

shirley said...

Beautiful photos! One of my neighbors has some sculpture in her front yard like your yard animal - they are works of art.

Anonymous said...

Love your yard art! Your tomato plant looks wonderful. Wishing you a very nice weekend.

Candy said...

Lovin that crocodile thingy.....toooo neat. 8-)

Ellie said...

Lovely shots of your land, I love your shoes too. :))

Brian King said...

Beautiful photos, Amy! It just goes to show you don't need a major farming operation to have a rural lifestyle. Love your "yard animal"!

Nancy said...

I think you live in a marvelous place, Amy -- living in a rural setting is really a way of life, rather than how much land you have or what you do for a living...

Love your garden shoes and your coffee cup! :)

Heather said...

Great shots! I love the yard animal!!! LOVE IT!

Pamela Gordon said...

I love your little piece of paradise.

Kranky Granny said...

I also live within the city limits of a small rural town. Took me decades to get here and I would never want to be anywhere else.

Unless I could live at the beach -- of course.

Roan said...

Those are cool shoes! I live in a tiny town with 1200 people. 1 block inside with rural all around, but I grew up on a grain farm so understand the hard work. Cool yard art!