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Blogging tips

Saturday, May 19, 2012


There's always a power line.
But, I left it SOOC so I could link.


betty-NZ said...

Lovely sky, even with the lines!

Anonymous said...

Love the light you captured! Sorry I been so quiet these last couple weeks, I’ve been really ill (now finally diagnosed with Whooping Cough even though I was immunized) and have had another very rough week.

Kranky Granny said...

Would not have seen the power line if you had not mentioned it. I was too focused on the light rays.

Brian King said...

Gorgeous clouds and I love the light shining through! Power lines are such a pain, but sometimes you just have to go with the shot.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

always power lines or people, both can ruin a good shot or make it, depends on how we feel.

Meggie said...

Hello Amy...it is a beautiful photo. Thanks so much for becoming my "#60" follower.

Grandma Barb's This and That said...

Beautiful shot. Love the light shining through.

Roan said...

I was so busy looking at the clouds and the light, I didn't even notice the power lines. I do dislike them. Seems they are always in the way of a good shot.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Beautiful photo, Amy! I know what you mean about the power lines. They seem to be everywhere.

Elaine said...

Beautifully captured.

Anonymous said...

It is still beautiful, even with the power lines! It's just a part of SOOC.

Betty Manousos said...

this is beautiful!!!

hope you're having a great weekend.