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Showing posts with label texture. Show all posts
Showing posts with label texture. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 5, 2014


Somewhere in extreme southern middle Tennessee.
I had to include one with the sweet little dog who enjoyed our visit and wanted to have his picture taken in front of his building.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Monday, November 25, 2013

Hedge apple green

A contrast to the bright pinky red mum of yesterday.
I picked up these hedge apples at the golf course.  I certainly hope they don't mind.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Tracks - Rurality 16

There are many, many fields of wheat around north Alabama this year.
This was taken a couple of weeks ago, and it is beginning to turn yellow now.

Rurality Blog Hop #16

Friday, February 1, 2013


It's cold and we're staying in and away from flu germs as much as possible.
There's always something in the house to photograph.

Monday, December 31, 2012

It does snow in Alabama

January 2011 in north Alabama
So I can join the snow photo bandwagon I found something from a couple of years ago.

We drove in falling snow from Nashville on Saturday.  No accumulation to stress me so I enjoyed it.  
Here's to a better 2013 for all.

(I am not able to give credit for the texture - too long ago.)

Monday, September 24, 2012

Nuts and twigs

I have been making granola at home the last few months.
(I think of Wilford Brimley when I see granola.  If you are younger than about forty-five you might not know what I'm talking about. lol)

It's easy.  I read several recipes on the internet and just made up my own from there.

Mix together in a large bowl:

1/4 cup honey
1/4 cup vegetable or olive oil (yes, olive oil is OK.  This last batch I used half of each, but I have used just olive oil and it was fine)
1/4 cup brown sugar

Then mix in:

3 cups oatmeal.  I used part oatmeal and part multigrain cereal shown in the photo.
Nuts of your choice and the amount of your choice.  Unsalted is better.  I use plain almonds, sumflower seeds and pumpkin seeds.  Walnuts are good for you also.

Mix this well until everything is coated.  The cereal will create lumps with the honey mixture so just keep breaking them up until it is consistent in texture.

Spread on baking sheet.

Bake at 275 degrees for about 20 minutes.  Stir at least one time during the 20 minutes.

NOTE:  It will be sticky after the twenty minutes.  Don't put it back in the oven or it will get too brown.  It will get dry after it cools.

Allow to cool on pan.

Add dried fruit of your choice after it is cool.

Pack and in keep in freezer.  I use canning jars.

And in my bowl with plain greek yogurt, honey, and cinnamon, dried cranberries and apricots. I just add dried fruit to my bowl each time rather than to the entire batch.  Of course, I stirred it up before eating, but spared you a photo since it isn't that appetizing to look at.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Doin' laundry and a vegetable follow up

 These kittens jump in my son's laundry basket every chance they get.
I wonder if it's the socks?

 My friend, Kerry, correctly ID'd this plant from yesterday's post.
My husband does just about everything with an eggplant (everything food-wize, that is).
Parmesan, marinated salad, or just sliced, breaded and fried.

 Yes, eggplant, aka, aubergine, is pretty to look at, but it's not for me to eat.  Blech.
It's bitter and the texture is spongy.  I just can't take it.

One website I visited to find interesting facts said that long ago people thought eggplant was linked to
insanity, cancer, and leprosy.

Sounds like a good reason for me to just shoot it and find something else to eat.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Nothing better than home

We are home from a few days vacation.

Thank you, everyone, for all the nice comments the last few days!
I hope to get caught up with them in between laundry today.

I pre-scheduled a few posts before I left and I took the iPad thinking
that I would keep up, but that didn't work out.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Friday's Fences

Doesn't get much better in southern landscaping than a huge crepe myrtle, azaleas, ferns,
and a brick and black iron fence.

Linking with:

Friday's Fences @ Life According to Jan and Jer