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Showing posts with label Bug. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bug. Show all posts

Saturday, November 1, 2014

All my spidey friends

Thought this still appropriate for the day after Halloween.
Some of my human friends are saying "I thought she hated spiders . . . .?"
Sharing with Saturday's Critters

And BTW, no one correctly identified what my re-purposed jack-o-lantern was from a couple days ago.  It was the sand filter from our swimming pool pump which had to be replaced this year.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Garden spider

An enormous garden spider at my in-laws' a couple of weeks ago.
About two inches at least.

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Two's company

Photo ops still few and far between, and mostly limited to the home grounds.
I'm grateful we have a good sized property and no neighbors to amuse with my squatting, bending, and sitting on the ground.

I did a little Googling and I'm calling these "blue-winged wasps".  They have a scientific name, but that's much to hard for my retired, keep-it-simple mind.  They feed on grubs and do not usually sting.

Sharing with:
Good Fences @ The*Run*Around*Ranch

Monday, September 9, 2013

You're being watched

This was one of the taller Zinnias in the batch.
It reminds me of a city of skyscrapers and he is on the tallest roof watching everything.

Update:  This photo earned a 3rd Place ribbon in the "flower category" at the
2013 Middle Tennessee District Fair, Lawrenceburg, Tennessee

Sharing with:
Tuesday Muse

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Friday, June 28, 2013

Eat your leafy greens

He thought he was fooling me

but I had already caught him in the act.
Only a few stems were down to a nub.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

In the eye of a spider

Canon 100mm f2.8L lens, hand held no flash, f10, 1/40, ISO 2500, cropped a lot
 See me?  There in the eyes?

Canon 100mm f2.8L lens, hand held, with flash, f4.0, 1/60, ISO 400, cropped a lot

Canon 100mm f2.8L lens, hand held, f4.0, 1/50, ISO 320 no flash, cropped a lot

The end.

Update:  The last photo earned a 1st Place ribbon in the "insect category" at the
2013 Middle Tennessee District Fair, Lawrenceburg, Tennessee

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Take a picture . . .

. . . it'll last longer.

This is a repost from a couple of years ago.  
I'm out of new things!