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Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Mississippi - Part Two - Tupelo - Elvis

Before we get to Elvis here is one I meant to include in Part One.
For my theater collection.

On to The King . . .

I don't have the text for the marker up at the church.

It is a nice simple attraction right now.
There are more buildings, fountains, markers, timelines in stone, etc., and more construction in the works.
It will probably be complicated in the future.

We parked and walked a few yards to the little white home and I was satisfied.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

that little house would be perfect for a retirment home, no housework required, or not much and a porch to sit on. love that car.

Brian King said...

I've never been there, but it looks like a fun place to visit! I love seeing things like that. Your photos are really nice, Amy!

Cranberry Morning said...

I got to the fourth photo and went, 'Wait, that's not Elvis, is it?' ;-)
Great photos. Interesting post, Amy.

Nancy said...

I like the simplicity of the house and the car -- it's too bad he didn't keep that part of himself in his later years. Great post Amy.

Carolyn said...

I have never been to see this. Thank you for sharing your trip. I like the statute of Elvis at age 13.

tinajo said...

Wow, must be nice to visit there! :-)

deb duty said...

I've enjoyed Graceland a couple of times, but I've never been to his birthplace. Looks like an interesting stop. I'll have to make time next time we are going through that area.

Linda said...

I have never been there...these photos are great.

Roan said...

Now I'm sure I want to make the trip to Tupelo one day. I do like the simplicity of the house he lived in.

A Colorful World said...

I am SO glad the house is still there! It looks like they have maintained it and the grounds beautifully! I would love to go there myself and see it.

Kranky Granny said...

Lovely pictorial. Also a nice history lesson.

We happened to be on our yearly visit to Alabama when Elvis died. Somehow, we missed hearing the news at all the stops we made. We got tied up in the traffic jam headed to the funeral on our trip home and had to pull off the interstate and find a room for the night. I have never (and probably never will again) seen such a traffic jam.