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Showing posts with label Garden. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Garden. Show all posts

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Huntsville Botanical Garden

In September I visited the Huntsville Botanical Gardens with a long time friend.
Yes, September.  Yes, I'm behind.

This "hay house" was cute with all the gourd decor.

During September and October, the scarecrows visit.

The butterfly house was open in September which was our primary reason for going.  I got a few good shots which I'll show later.

This friend is one of those who seem to know when you need something, and what that something might be.  So thanks once again, if you're reading.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015


The blueberries are almost ready.

This photo is from last year, but the same holds true right here and now.  Last year we had a bumper crop.  I gave them away, and still have bags in the freezer.  There does not look like as many on the bushes this year.  I'm kinda glad.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Gone to seed

Broccoli gone to seed in my husband's garden last spring.
Currently, his garden spot is grown up in weeds as he was not able to plant anything this year before he died.  I'm not sure what I'll do with it next year, but I'm going to keep the fence up and keep the weeds beat down this year until I decide.  I have visions of becoming the old widow woman in the gardening hat with hoe in hand in a garden full of flowers.
We'll see what next year brings.

I am going to halt The Barn Collective for now.  I don't know if I will continue it at a later time or not.  I will be happy for someone to pick it up.  Just let me know.

Thank you to everyone for your kind comments and emails.  Words can be of such great comfort in times of grief.  We are very fortunate to have friends who have visited both at the hospital (two hours away) and at home, brought food, ran errands, looked after my mother, fed the cats, and even mowed the lawn.  My son and I are plodding along with each day.  He will be starting his permanent job next week after a delay due to the illness and death of his father.  I am glad he has something to occupy his mind.

Until next time.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

It's cold in Alabama

The weather man down the road from us reported 5 degrees on their farm this morning.
Thought a sunflower might make us feel better.
This lady was 12+ feet tall and that sunflower is almost 2 feet in diameter.

Friday, November 7, 2014


I don't know which variety these are, but we love them.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Big Blue

Almost every color in the rainbow can be found on a blueberry bush.
From earlier this summer in our blueberry patch.

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Two's company

Photo ops still few and far between, and mostly limited to the home grounds.
I'm grateful we have a good sized property and no neighbors to amuse with my squatting, bending, and sitting on the ground.

I did a little Googling and I'm calling these "blue-winged wasps".  They have a scientific name, but that's much to hard for my retired, keep-it-simple mind.  They feed on grubs and do not usually sting.

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Good Fences @ The*Run*Around*Ranch

Tuesday, July 29, 2014


I planted sunflowers this year.  Some of them are red and orange.
All of them are gorgeous.

I have been sporadic with the blog the past few weeks.  Just as my husband finished more chemo for the cancer that spread, my elderly mother fell and fractured her pelvis.  He is feeling much better and the hope is that he can have a substantial break before more treatment is required.  She is doing better in the rehab facility for now. I hope to return to a somewhat normal routine.  Thanks for visiting!