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Blogging tips

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Masters

Ok, not really The Masters.

No golf for me, but sometimes I do go with my husband.

I take the camera because the wildlife is a-plenty . . . 

 . . . except when I'm there with the camera.

For example, I missed the day Hubby was charged by a turkey.

But, you never miss the deer.
We have deer every day at our home, but you can't get close enough for a good photo.

The golf course deer pretty much  ignore you.

From a couple of years ago in late evening.


Nancy said...

I can testify that turkeys do charge you -- mine does daily. Patience, patience! :)

LindyLouMac said...

What fun to see deer on the golf course!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

phooey on photos of a charging turkey, i was attacked by a gobbler and it stripped my Easter dress off me, so i would have been running fast. a golf course with deer. love it

A Colorful World said...

How funny! Your husband chased by a turkey. Love the deer photo. Where are you in AL? I am from Jasper originally.

Anonymous said...

the title got the eye of this golfer!

Judy said...

Oh wow, I never knew turkeys charge people. I'll have to remember this.

Brian King said...

Love your shot of the deer, Amy! Not that I'd wish any ill will on your husband, but I'd kinda like to have seen those photos if you'd had your camera! :-)

Anonymous said...

Nice! =)