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Saturday, April 7, 2012

Easter Visitor

This little fellow visited us last year on Easter Sunday.

Yes, a visit from a bunny on Easter.

He was only about two inches long and was perfect.

He was up at the house and since we have cats (and a dog, at that time) we hated to leave him all alone there.  Our house is surrounded by fields, but it is quite a way for a tiny guy like this to travel by himself.  There was no evidence that he had been in a cat's or dog's mouth but I can't imagine how he got so far away from his home which surely was in the field.

Internet research indicated what we thought was true, that the chances of his survival in our captivity was slim so we placed him in a blackberry thicket in the field.  Our hopes were that they would protect him from predators and that his mom would find him.

If I see a grown bunny this Easter Sunday, I'm sure it will be him.

SOOC @ Murrieta 365


MadSnapper n Beau said...

that is the most precious Easter bunny I have ever seen.

Pamela Gordon said...

Aww, I've never seen a tiny bunny like that before. I sure hope he survived and that you might see him again this year. Sweet photo. Happy Easter.

imquilternity said...

Oh, that's just so sweet!

Anonymous said...

I hope you have a bunny visitor tomorrow. We had a baby one year that we took to a wildlife rehabilitator.

Helen Campbell said...

Oh what a precious little bunny! I hope you see him this year.

Candy C. said...

Awwww...what a sweet little bunny! I hope he visits you again this year! Happy Easter! :)

Jan AKA Wammy said...

how precious! Sure hope his Momma finds him and soon!