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Blogging tips

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

At a loss

for a title.


Unknown said...

Oh my, at first I thought it was a snake!! Then I realized a snake can't slither up a flower and hopefully you're not getting that close to a snake...

Kranky Granny said...

My first thought was "Yummy."

But, I thought that all caterpillars were fuzzy so this is a new one on me.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

how about "oh noooo"

momto8 said...

think that title is perfect!!

Gail Dixon said...

I thought it was a snake too! Such a fun image. Also had trouble with my post title today.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

My first thought was "snake"!! Not for a title, but for what I was seeing. Don't you just dread thinking up titles sometimes? I do! :)

Betsy Banks Adams said...

I thought that thing was a SNAKE also... What is it? Some kind of caterpillar I guess!!!??????


Brian King said...

I don't know about a title, but I love the shot!

Sherry said...

I have them (or at least what looks similiar to this one) in my flowers as well -- he will turn into a moth. They can be freaky looking -- certainly a contrast from the nice green foliage & pretty yellow blooms.