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Blogging tips

Thursday, August 9, 2012


Crape myrtles are pretty and are one of my favorite trees, but they sure do make a mess when next to concrete.

It doesn't really bother me too much except that most of these tiny blooms find their way into the garage.
(that's my husband hitting golf balls)

And it looks a little like snow.

Sometimes pink snow.

Speaking of pink . . . no wonder the birds don't use the birdbath.

Rural Thursday with Nancy


Kathy said...

The best kind of litter!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

love that pink tongue and also the pink snow is pretty. if you think crepe myrtle is bad, don't ever plant and avocado tree in your yard. YIKES, it drops flowers and leaves that are giant sized and does it year round.

Anonymous said...

I prefer to think of mine as 'a sprinkling of summertime snow'.
It cools me as I clean the pink blossumes from the birdbath.

Annie Jeffries said...

Pink snow and pink tongue. All you need is a pink birdie.

Grandma Barb's This and That said...

Love that last photo!!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

LOL on your cat!

Cranberry Morning said...

Okay, I was enjoying the photos of the crepe myrtle, then got to the photo of the cat. WOW. That is spectacular!! Love it. :-))

Tanya Breese said...

now that's a pretty kind of litter. i was prepared to be all mad when i saw the title, i just hate litterbugs! beautiful photos!

Buttons Thoughts said...

Love the snow:) Love love the last shot. B

Anonymous said...

Amazing shots! That first one is lovely.

Gail Dixon said...

Cute! We have some pink but mostly white crepe myrtles and when the wind blows it does indeed look like snow. I love that. Love your shot of the hubs practicing his shots.

Nancy said...

We don't have any of these, but I do love how they look when in bloom. Love your kitty shot -- naughty kitty! :)

Debbie said...

but the blooms are even pretty on the ground!!

great title, i always refer to them as pretty dust!!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

HA HA- you caught the rascal!

Pat said...

Pretty litter! I like the kitty shot too.

Kranky Granny said...

Change the pink to green in your shots and we have the same problem around my house.

The neighbors cypress tree is doing the littering here. We have lacy green leaves and small green balls everywhere after the two storms this week.

Takes forever to get all that litter out of the mulch around the flower beds. Can't use a rake.

After seeing your shots I'm kicking myself for not going out and photographing my green mess.

Brian King said...

Awesome photos! Really nicely done! Love the last shot!

Roan said...

Crepe Myrtles are beautiful. Sadly, they don't grow this far north. I had a bright pink one when I lived in Texas. It wasn't near concrete, though. Love that pink tongue shot!