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Blogging tips

Sunday, August 5, 2012

We're so cute

(two things:  1- there was no food in these boxes, and 2- we really don't eat junk food all the time)

No humans were involved in posing these kitties.

Sharing with:
Cats on Tuesday


Grandma Barb's This and That said...

Oh for cute! I wonder which place they liked the best.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely adorable!

Kathy said...

I'm a dog person and you're making me want kitties! Have you no shame, girl?

Gail Dixon said...

Ah hahaha! No humans were involved in the posing...too funny. Loved the shots. The Krispy Creme donuts made me hungry though. Glad there's not one nearby or I'd be headed to the car.

Brian King said...

LMAO! Flippin' hilarious! The last shot really made me laugh! Goofy cats.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Oh, I love kitties! You never know what they will find to get into, do you? This pair is just too cute!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

looks to me like you hired a kittie director for these, even though you say no humans had any part. LOL. these are all priceless and so sharp and clear. that third one looks a tad miserable to me, laying accross those spindles. love the planter curl

My Mind's Eye said...

Well you kitties are just too cute for words. Our friend Sandra/Mad Snapper sent us the link to your blog.
We look forward to learning more about your cuteness.
Hugs madi and mom

Robyn said...

Cute and photogenic! Looks like a great way to spend an afternoon.

Unknown said...

Cute and so entertaining!

bon bon said...

ha! don't you wish you could get that comfortable just anywhere? ;)

Gattina said...

Natural talented models ! Anyway it is impossible for a human to make a cat pose for a nice picture :) !

Annie Jeffries said...

Yes you are, and your humans have good taste in donuts.

Anonymous said...

Really charming creatures.