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Blogging tips

Thursday, July 26, 2012

White blooms this time

I've lived in the south all of my life, but never paid attention to cotton crops except
when the bolls were opened and the entire field was white like snow.

Previously, I showed pink blooms and at the time I thought all the white ones had already
turned to pink, as they do, and we were done blooming.

Boy, was I wrong.
The cotton crop surrounding my home is now COVERED with blooms, both white and pink

The cotton plants are waist to chest high and there are all different stages of bloomage (new word?).
Budding, seeding, making bolls.

I am still fascinated by these bracts.  They are so frilly.

An unopened cotton boll.

In the original you can see all the white blooms on that hill.  They blend in on the uploaded version.

If these Japanese beetles and their friends, the Boll Weevils, don't eat the whole crop,
and if there is enough rain, but not too much rain, and at the right time,
there will be a profusion of white later on this year.

I'm looking forward to it.


Vores have said...

Great pictures you show.
Wishing you a good day :)

Elizabeth Edwards said...

pretty. i learn something with you every time. fun!! such a cute flower. would love to see the whole field blooming ... do they usually blooms together or more a group (part of the field) at a time? makes me wonder what type of cotton we have growing around here in VA? i need to look into that. nothing like that though. interesting indeed. (:

Nancy said...

I knew nothing about cotton before I read this post, Amy. The blooms are really very pretty. xo

Tanya Breese said...

cotton fields are so beautiful! funny how you can be around something all your life and not really notice all the details huh?!

Gail Dixon said...

Huh! I really didn't know that cotton had white AND pink blooms. Thanks for sharing your lovely photos and the info on cotton!

Pat said...

I didn't know the cotton plant had such pretty flowers.

carol l mckenna said...

Fantastic photography and very informative ~ ~ thanks, namaste, (A Creative Harbor)

Judy said...

Great photos Amy, I would love to see that cotton boll opened.

Brian King said...

Great close-ups! I don't care for Japanese Beetles, as I'm sure no one does, but that's a nice shot.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

You make the cotton look so beautiful!

An Apel a Day said...

My Dad has been having a major problem with the beetles!

I hope they don't eat them all. They are so pretty!


Anonymous said...

Fascinating to see your photos!

Deanna said...

Keeping fingers crossed that everything works to produce your fields of white. These are a great collection of cotton, not being in the south, I never see fields like this, thanks for sharing!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

it has been way to many years since i have seen a cotton field with all those white puffs, but never even knew they had blooms, this is way cool and i love the shape and texture of the leaves to. thanks for sharing

Rosemary Aubut said...

Wow who would have thought? Great photos!

Kranky Granny said...

As I comment on your last post of these blooms, you have showed me something I have not seen in all my many trips south.

What a lovely thing to have around your home.

Roan said...

I miss seeing the cotton fields, but I didn't realize the blossoms were as pretty as they are.