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Friday, July 6, 2012

The Big Red Store

There is a celebration in Appleton, Tennessee each July 4th and we've been going the past several years.
The big red building is The Big Red Store.  It is a museum of sorts and houses all sorts of antique things, many from the height of Appleton's hey-day.  (Link to a recent article here) I don't think any of those things are for sale, but there are people there with items to sell, sort of like a flea market.  The store is not open on a routine basis, but just for special occasions.

The above photo was from another visit when there were not cars and people littering the grounds.

A shot of some of this year's entertainment.

A shot from another year.
This year there was hardly walking space and with the heat we didn't stay inside long.

One of the cool old barns.
Down the road from this barn there is food in a shaded field.
Beef, chicken and goat stew, hamburgers, hot dogs and fresh lemonade.
I don't have any photos from there because it is always so hot I can barely stand my clothes, must less wagging a camera.  I always regret not taking the camera to the field and this year is no different.  Oh, well.
I go for a hamburger, hubby goes for goat stew.  
Stew is a "thing" around here on July 4th and I just don't get that.
Stew is hot.  July is hot.  Stew is for winter.

To say we need rain is an understatement.

A resident.

A resident from a previous year.

Yep, it's hot and dry.

I hope everyone had a great holiday!

Linking with:

Friday's Fences


Anonymous said...

Wonderful photos! The barn is great! I don't think stew sounds very appetizing in this heat - maybe a cold, rainy day in Autumn!

Elizabeth Edwards said...

looks like a great place to visit. so amazing how different it looks inside than out. fun. (:

MadSnapper n Beau said...

of course my favorites are the two residents. super sharp and clear photos of them. i wonder why they named that store The Big Red Store? LOL i am with you stew is winter food and goat stew for me is never ever food. i would very much like to visit inside that store.

Grandma Barb's This and That said...

Great photos Amy. I love the old barn and fence!

Kim, USA said...

I hope rain visited TN it did here in MI for three days and it suffice the almost green grass and dry ground. Great shots here thanks for sharing.

Kim, USA

Kay said...

Great shots, but I can almost feel the heat. I don't miss it a bit in the Pacific Northwest except it's challenging to get a garden growing. But I'll buy spinach and tomatoes any time if it means avoiding hot day meltdowns.

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

What a picturesque place! Happy belated 4th!

Causeway Fence

Annie Jeffries said...

You were very brave to go out. My sister is in West Virginia and she stayed home and inside.

Yeah, I blinked when I read "stew". Stew IS for winter. I guess when you are warm inside and out it all balanced out?

Rose said...

Oh, Amy, I would love to visit this place. I really enjoyed the 'tour.'

Cranberry Morning said...

What a great store!! And how fun to listen to that live music. I think it's been hot and dry everywhere. I heard that the corn crop in some parts of the country is burning up. Probably why the price of corn has gone up to seven dollars a bushel right now. If 80% of the corn crop goes to Ethanol to meet the government mandates, it's a pretty sure thing that everything with corn in it is going to be going up up up in price.

Seeing that store made me wonder why the stores had those big square store fronts. Do you know? I'm just curious. Thanks for the great photos!

Anonymous said...

I'd love to hear that music!

genie said...

What a wonderful series of shots. I especially like the one with the old time band as I played fiddle in them for ages. I have been in a store that looks just like this one on the inside. The upper level makes for such an interesting image. It seems to be sitting out there all alone. genie

Brian King said...

Love the inside of that store! Cool place! Great photos, Amy! Impressive horns on that goat!

Roan said...

Wonderful photos! Love that old dusty road. We have some of those around here. Our garden is nothing but dust. We water the plants by hand carrying water. It's so dry the weeds won't even grow. Our garden has never been so weed free. lol

Jan n Jer said...

Looks like a fun place to visit! Great shots...no stew for me...tooooo HOT!! Hope you get some rain soon!

Kranky Granny said...

You certainly find the most interesting places to visit. I'm so glad you are willing to take me along on your excursions by way of your blog.

Amy, your a wonderful tour guide.

A Colorful World said...

I wasn't able to see all your shots, but the ones I couldd see were great! Love that amazing old store!