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Monday, June 18, 2012

Mississippi - Part Sixteen - Natchez, morning, noon, and night

I'm glad that I used text instead of numerals for the "Part so-n-so" in the title.
Text is a little less obvious about how long this has been going on.

All of these shots are along the river bank in Natchez, Mississippi
I'm showing the below shot again for perspective.

Natchez sets high above the Mississippi River.  See the walls right below the buildings in the above shot?

These are those walls.  They are huge.
The above shots were taken in the evening.

The shots below were taken in the morning.

The Grand Hotel is across the street from the park which runs along the river bank.
It appears to be a new structure.

See those people on the right edge of the shot?
They were rescuing a tiny kitten from a man-hole.
It had ridden to work that day underneath the car of an employee.

I never know how to end these things.

Visit Mississippi!


Judy said...

Your photos are great, they sure make me want to go there.

Roan said...

I think you found the perfect ending. Love those Mississippi river shots.

Unknown said...

I love all the old brick buildings! And the Mississippi River--I saw it for the first time last summer. I think you have to see it person to get how BIG it is!

Lynn Wood said...

This is a place I have never been, The mightly Mississippi would really be something to see. Thanks for taking me there with these beautiful pics!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Your photos are wonderful, Amy. I loved seeing the Mississippi River, it's an awesome river.

*Pearls on a string** Dorthe said...

I have never visited your country, but I must admit that your pictures makes me much more interested in doing so.
So maybe ...........some time!

:-) Dorthe

EG CameraGirl said...

I never realized this part of Mississippi was so grand!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you dont have to end these things, the photos say it ALL and I am LOVING my visit to MS, i say keep them coming, i want to see them all. i like the evening wall better than the mornig wall, sunlight makes such a difference. i like the new building made to look old and love they are rescuing the kitty

Rochelle@AFamilyofLooneys said...

Thank you for sharing your gorgeous photos. What a beautiful place.

Cranberry Morning said...

I would love to visit Mississippi! It should only be about a 20 hour drive from here.

Candy said...

It's all beautiful, Amy. We'll all hate when your Mississippi vacation pics do end......so NO matter about the numbers. Gorgeous pics, as usual.

Brian King said...

Gorgeous shots, Amy! I really like the building in the first photo. The river shots are beautiful!

Cheri said...

I loved these photos. I have never seen Natchez and it looks beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

A Colorful World said...

I HATE that my computer provider won't allow me to see all your photos!!!! But, I can't tell you how much I LOVE this house, that I can see! This is the kind of place in which I always dreamed I would live. Ah, life....as long as one can dream! :-)

Thanks so much for your well-wishes on my surgery! Have an awesome weekend!