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Blogging tips

Monday, January 13, 2014

North Alabama winter bird

A Sparrow?

No, a female House Finch.

Thanks to everyone who helped me with my bird identification.
Her male friend was featured a couple of days ago.  She was alone on this particular day and time at the feeder.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

so precious and with the bright light he looks almost like a brilliant sketch.. great shots, all three. i can only identity birds like chickens and turkeys and flamingo and pelican, a few gulls.

joy said...

We dont have this exact bird in UK, but it has the beak of a finch. Its not a sparrow, or at least not what WE call a sparrow

Pamela Gordon said...

I thought it was a finch too with it's beak shape. Sweet photos, none the less.

Brian King said...

Female House Finch. Nice shots! We have lots of these guys during the winter.

Gail Dixon said...

Yes, a female house finch! You took some really beautiful portraits of her. It's nice to see birds on your blog, Amy!! :)

Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

What lovely photos and what an expression on its face too.

Rose said...

It is so cute...for years I just assumed they were some type of sparrow!