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Blogging tips

Friday, October 19, 2012

Portfolio work

"I thought I would be safe here in the laundry room window."

"I guess I can muster up some charm".

"I've got the look, don't you think?"


MadSnapper n Beau said...

most definitely You Got The Look. and not just a little charm but tons of charm. cant wait to show your pics to hubby when he gets home.

Cranberry Morning said...

What a little ham! :-) did she enjoy the photo shoot? Looks like it.

Gail Dixon said...

Haha, how perfect is that with the sign underneath! Love these poses from your furry cutie pie.

Brian King said...

LOL! Cats have the life!

Anonymous said...

She is precious and knows how to use every inch of that windowsill!!!

Rose said...

The Little Charmer! That is all that fits.

Pamela Gordon said...

Such sweet photos. Kitty looks very comfortable there in the sunshine.

Roan said...

What a great model you have there. lol

Anonymous said...

Excellent! Yes, I'd say you have the look, lil one!
Aren't they just too funny

Thank you for the comment about my camera... I can't imagine taking something that isn't mine & to sit in someone's garage in the middle of the night & pilfer thru their stuff is just incredibly arrogant... Definitely feel violated... & having trouble sleeping, now, too, until it gets light outside.

Unknown said...

"...don't just stand there looking at me, PET me!" Great kitty capture!