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Blogging tips

Monday, February 25, 2013

All through the woods

These pale dried leaves all throughout the woods have been getting my attention all winter.  They seem to be all over.  I don't know if they are there every year and I'm just now seeing them, or if it is something about our last fall season that caused the leaves to dry and not fall off.
Anyway, I finally stopped the car and snapped a couple.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

glad you stopped, what a scene it is.

Pamela Gordon said...

They seem to glow in the forest. I believe they might be beech trees which hang on to their leaves most of the winter, even up here in my neck of the woods.

Linda/patchwork said...

Those are leaves? I thought, when I first saw the photo, that the Dogwoods were blooming.

That IS interesting. Glad you stopped.

Gail Dixon said...

The dried leaves against the dark trunks made for a wonderful photo. Glad you stopped for some shots. :)

Janet said...

Very pretty whatever it is.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

This is a beautiful scene, Amy. I can just picture some deer and other wildlife living in those woods.

Kathy said...

We have the same phenomena here, lots of leaves that are brown but still on the trees. But the winds of yesterday and today will surely take care of that. Otherwise, I guess the new buds just eventually push the old leaves to the ground.

Anonymous said...

They almost look like dainty flowers...