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Blogging tips

Thursday, September 20, 2012

salad : salit : sallat

It's pretty.

Contrary to what some of you are probably thinking about living in the deep south, I've never eaten poke salad and we don't grow it on purpose.  I do love collards, kale, turnip greens and we do grow them.

It and the morning glories are growing wild along the fence around my husband's garden.
As Kathy commented on another post earlier this week, I think the grasshoppers are having a feast.


Kathy said...

All my relatives are big turnip green eaters. Not me! I could probably stand to eat them if I didn't have to smell them cooking. I always think the dog had an accident in the house!

Anonymous said...

My grandpa always talked about poke salat! Very pretty photos!

Elizabeth Edwards said...

i've never had poke salad. what is it similar too? i wonder? i'm curious. tell me more please. love the morning glories ... beautiful color. (:

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i love all the greens you mentioned, since daddy grew some type year round and we were raised on a mess of greens, but have never eaten poke salad, but they are beautiful.

EG CameraGirl said...

Pokeweed is an interesting plant, It grows wild in Upstate New York but I have never seen it in Ontario. It probably does grow here - I just have never seen it.

Meghan said...

My Granny said that they used to make ink from poke berries. They knew it was time for school to start when the berries were ripe. This would have been in the '20s.

Kranky Granny said...

I have always heard of poke salad but never seen it before. I expected it to be some form of greens. But, a berry looking item was my last expectation.

Does make for a pretty photo though.

Anonymous said...

Poke salat....I've seen that growing in places in central New Jersey but never knew what it was. Wonderful photos!

Gail Dixon said...

Lived my whole life in the south and didn't know what a poke salad was! I also hated collards and turnip greens; still do. These photos are might pretty, though!

Grandma Barb's This and That said...

I never knew what poke salad was!
Love the morning glories growing on the fence.

Rose said...

Beautiful shots...and I have eaten polk...cooked...also my mom used to gather the young stalks and chop into pieces and rolled in cornmeal/flour and then fried.

Karen Lakis said...

This Northerner doesn't have a clue what poke salad is, but it sure is pretty. I like all the other greens, and I could only wish that morning glories grew wild around me! These photos are simply stunning.

A Creative Grace said...

Lovely shots and plants, I love that blue flower!

Nell at njschout said...

Love the photography! : )

LisaS said...

Great photos! Never saw poke before... thanks for sharing.

Jori said...

Beautiful! Love the morning glories.