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Blogging tips

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Bold Hatmakers

Nashville, Tennessee, U. S. A.


Elizabeth Edwards said...

what type of hat did you buy? i love hats ... don't always know where to wear them... but so enjoy them. funny how we both talked about hats" in our blog posts today. fun!! (:

Kathy said...

Are all their hats custom-made or can you buy "off the rack"?

Cranberry Morning said...

That is such a cool reflection!! I love that photo, Amy.

Anonymous said...

What a neat reflection photo and I would love to buy a hat!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

cool reflections, so are they bold because they make hats or do they make hats for bold people who wear them.

Andy said...

Neat reflection. Do they make their own hats or do they import?

Janet said...

Great reflection for a window! Interesting too that there are still hat shops around. BTW, I just added your blog to my list of Alabama blogs. Nice to meet you!

Pamela Gordon said...

A rare shop to find these days. Great photo/reflections.

Brian King said...

What an awesome reflection!

Anonymous said...

Did you go in? I'll be they have nice hats!

Anonymous said...

Hey there's Harrison Ford's hat from Indiana Jones! LoL! =)

Gail Dixon said...

Cool reflection. Is the store still in business?

Kranky Granny said...

Amy, this is an amazing reflection.

I'm also delighted to see that someone is still making hats in the US. You know how I feel about a guy in a great hat.

A Colorful World said...

All the reflections and objects in the shot are wonderful together!