Whatever catches my eye
Attention to details is always great. The colors are wonderful.MersadMersad Donko Photography
I Love that shade of green....
welcome back Amy, missed you and I LOVE THIS LOTS!!!!
Great shot, Amy! I love all these things too.
Love that green on the rust. Great eye you have.
Excellent! I also love the sunset shots from the last post, just beautiful.
Very nice texture!
Happy Thanksgiving Amy! I imagine it's a lot warmer where you are than where I am!
Love the textures and the colors. I hope you had a good Thanksgiving.
Amy, I just realized that I hadn't been at your blog in quite a while! I LOVE this photo, and of course love those elements that make it such a great pic. I miss the rusty tuesday meme. - Judy
I like this one a lot! Great colors!
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Attention to details is always great. The colors are wonderful.
Mersad Donko Photography
I Love that shade of green....
welcome back Amy, missed you and I LOVE THIS LOTS!!!!
Great shot, Amy! I love all these things too.
Love that green on the rust. Great eye you have.
Excellent! I also love the sunset shots from the last post, just beautiful.
Very nice texture!
Happy Thanksgiving Amy! I imagine it's a lot warmer where you are than where I am!
Love the textures and the colors. I hope you had a good Thanksgiving.
Amy, I just realized that I hadn't been at your blog in quite a while! I LOVE this photo, and of course love those elements that make it such a great pic. I miss the rusty tuesday meme. - Judy
I like this one a lot! Great colors!
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