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Blogging tips

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


I believe these are called hedge apples.
Correct me if I'm wrong.

Isn't the green pretty?


Pamela Gordon said...

I think these must be one of nature's most interesting and fun coloured fruits don't you? :)

Elizabeth Edwards said...

i know i could be wrong ... but they look like the things around here in VA we call "monkey brains" ... they smash into a big pile of green goo.

interesting looking for sure. ( :

eileeninmd said...

Thanks, I was not sure what they were called. I do see them along the road while I am driving. They are colorful!

Brian King said...

Hedge apples or horse apples. We have a lot of them here.

Grandma Barb's This and That said...

I love that color green! I've never seen them growing but they sell them in the grocery stores here in the fall. I've used them in my window boxes.

Andy said...

It's my first look at hedge apple. Weird look fruit.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

never seen one or even heard of one and it is beautiful..

Unknown said...

They are eye catching but I never knew what they are called. Growing up, we always just threw them!

Kathy said...

I've never heard of anything except livestock eating these "apples." And I've certainly never seen them for sale in grocery stores. In fact, they are considered inedible - at least by humans. They come from what we here in cajun land call the bois d'arc tree (pronounced bo dark). Just to be sure of the spelling I looked it up on the Net. You might be interested to know that some scientists now believe the bois d'arc may be helpful in treating Alzheimer's and I didn't realize that there is an annual bois d'arc festival in Commerce, Tx, home of Texas A & M. See this link. http://web.tamu-commerce.edu/aboutUs/newsEvents/showNews.aspx?Item=2894

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Yes, they look like hedge apples. We have a lot of them in our area. I've heard of some who put them in the corners of their basement to keep spiders/bugs out. Don't know if that works or not. :)

Gail Dixon said...

In Texas they are called horse apples. They look like brains, don't they? And yes, the green is pretty, I agree!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i just read my comment on this post and i said i have not seen or heard of one, but since then a Texas blogger has shown them twice.