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Blogging tips

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Garden spider

An enormous garden spider at my in-laws' a couple of weeks ago.
About two inches at least.


TexWisGirl said...

i love these big ladies - as long as i don't walk into them. :)

Tanya Breese said...

they are so pretty aren't they?!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

we have these scary things in Florida to, but thankfully not in our yard. i hope. great shot

Hootin Anni said...

Bud and I chanced upon one a couple of weeks ago and at first it startled me out of my wits. Then the beauty of it all sank in and I had to photograph it and share it on my blog too.

Brian King said...

I've seen these before just never around our place. Nice shot!

Arlene G said...

Amy, I remember one of these spiders living on our front porch when I was a child. We named him Humphrey!

Kathy said...

We have one of these hanging on one of our windows right now! When that first rick-rack string first appeared I thought it was quite odd. And yes, he is just huge! I've not been able to get a nice clear photo of him. I wish he weren't on the window because I get a reflection. I've left him hanging there. Sometimes if you get too close he will run up the web as far away from you as he can get. Sometimes he wraps lots and lots of webbing around his catch, I suppose to preserve it for another day!

Rose said...

S/he is enormous! And I have not seen a single of these this year. Had not even thought about it till now.

Anonymous said...

A Golden Orb! They are the best spider to have in the garden. This is a great capture!

Ida said...

Super shot of the spider and it's web. I find them fascinating to watch just as long as they don't get to close.