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Thursday, June 18, 2015

Blessings for Charleston

A porch in Charleston, South Carolina, U. S. A.
November 2014

Blessings for Charleston in the wake of their tragedy.


TexWisGirl said...


Unknown said...

Awful incident, prayers for comfort and peace for the families and community.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Prayers and blessing for Charleston and also for our nation where this has become the norm and not the unusual..

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

I think this is tragic-what is going on with this world? So sad!

Stephanie said...

Indeed. So sad!

Michelle said...

Such a horrible tragedy.

Tanya Breese said...

a beautiful tribute....such a terrible tragedy...

Tanya Breese said...

a beautiful tribute....such a terrible tragedy...

Kathy said...

It's such a sad thing. My heart goes out to all those whom this tragedy has touched.

Rose said...

I feel so sorry for them...

Anonymous said...


Sharon said...

I am not sure where I found your blog, but I believe it was meant to be. I have read much of your story over the last hour and wanted to say thank you for continuing to blog through the pain of your husband's illness and death. I have sat in total disbelief as I read his story as it mirrors almost identically the story of my precious Bill whom I lost on March 18. As difficult as your story was to read, there was also solace in knowing there is another wife out there who understands EXACTLY what I experienced. The diagnosis was the same, the treatment was pretty much the same. Thinking he was "cured" was the same and spots reappearing on the lungs was the same. How well I remember that total shock and disbelief (ours was on December 23, 2014) when you visit the Oncologist thinking you're getting another all-clear and he says, "nope, scan shows three spots on your lungs." You said it perfectly. It's not just the cancer that kills. It's the treatment as much. Please know I now consider you a friend and a kindred spirit. I will follow your blog and your story. Thank You!

Linda said...

Beautiful images! I hope you are okay and will post again soon.