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Blogging tips

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Smooth water

Great Smoky Mountains, Tennessee, U. S. A.
I was able to try a long exposure water shot using a neutral density filter on our trip to the Smokies in October.  The water is a little too smooth for me.  If it hadn't been so cold, I would have tried a few at f8 and f11 which should have shortened the shutter time open, therefore lessening the water movement blur.

Also, the best thing would have been for me to be standing in the middle of that stream, with a wider lens and the camera positioned more near the water level.

Maybe next time. (when I'm younger, more fit, and have wading boots)

f16, 25 sec exposure, ISO 100, with 1.8 ND filter


MadSnapper n Beau said...

I vote you stand in the middle next time. LOL but it is beautiful

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Very pretty- go for it- you are never too old to wade in a stream!

Brian King said...

I like it just the way it is. The water has a nice silky appearance! People do have preferences about this stuff, though. Great shot!

Gail Dixon said...

There is nothing wrong with this shot. At all. I think it's beautiful and something I have yet to attempt.

Andy said...

I'm with Brian on this photo... I also like it the way it is. Those rocks under the water are pretty darn slippery.

Kathy said...

Yes, a next time is always a hope.

Our photos said...

Very nice photo!
Greetings, SK

Anne Payne said...

I think it's very pretty! I like the smooth effect.

AnitasVäxtkraft said...

What a fantastic photo!

Rose said...

It is beautiful anyway...don't you just hate being unable to do things...back when I was flexible and healthy, I didn't have the time for photography. Now I have the time but don't feel like doing a lot. Heaven forbid I get down on my knees without something near....